Sharing food together is an enjoyable part of life, especially when you’re with friends. Jesus sent His disciples out to meet more people who were ready to hear the Word. He even told them to eat with friends along the way and offer healing and help where they could. He called these friends Persons of Peace. As we step out in faith to meet new people, it helps us to remember that Jesus has been preparing them to meet us.
LUKE 10:1-12 Go out and find persons of peace
Matthew 9:9-13 Jesus calls the sinners |
Matthew 11:15-19 We need to respond to God |
Acts 2:46-47 The church worked together |
Matthew 4:19-20 We need to follow Jesus |
Luke 6:40 Be fully trained by the Master |
- What is new and interesting?
- What don’t you understand?
- How and where could you share a meal with new friends?
- What will you share with someone this week?