There’s nothing worse than a flat battery. Like any battery, you also need to recharge your life regularly so you can survive over the long term. To live well, you need to find your cruising altitude, a pace you can sustain over the long haul. The Bible has some great advice on how to live long and well without burning out; so look after yourself, so you can look after others. Life is better when it’s lived in balance.
MATTHEW 18:1-6 Become like a child and trust God
Philippians 4:11-13 Learn to be content in all circumstances |
Matthew 21:12-16 Don’t let worldly things overtake your spiritual life |
Matthew 11:28-30 Let God lead, and He will give you rest |
Luke 20:20-26 Keep God first and business second |
Proverbs 3:13-24 God’s wisdom will guide you to a blessed life |
- What is new and interesting?
- What don’t you understand?
- How can you slow down and bring your life into more balance?
- What will you share with someone this week?