In prayer, we are calling on God. Prayer is very powerful. When we pray in faith, we can release God’s power, not only in our lives but in the lives of those who need help in sickness. Be quiet before Him: ask God to help in times of trouble. Tell Him our needs, thank Him, ask His guidance and He will listen and act in ways you may never have seen before. Prayer is one of the great privileges of believers and is a key in our hands to unlock the storehouse of heaven.
James 5:13-20 Pray for healing of sick people
2 Corinthians 12:5-10 We have weaknesses that are not healed, but God is still there |
Psalms 107:18-22 Ask God to heal you from sickness and give thanks |
Jeremiah 33:6 God can bring health and healing |
John 14:12-14 Ask anything in Jesus’ name and He will do it if it is in His will |
Psalm 51:5-12 God offers healing from sin |
- What is new and interesting?
- What don’t you understand?
- Why will you make prayer a part of your life and pray for others?
- What will you share with someone this week?