We all look up to someone: our parents, mentors and other people who inspire us. We often take on board their ideas, habits and ways of thinking. Jesus inspired a group of His friends who He called His disciples. Disciples are protégés; learners or apprentices to Jesus who multiply disciples by following Jesus’ methods, cultivating His movement, preparing people for His coming. A disciple is a person who in every way is becoming more like Jesus!
EPHESIANS 4:15-16 – Become the Body of Christ
Mark 16:15-16 Go to the world |
Acts 1:8 You will receive power |
John 15:16 Bear fruit that will last |
Matthew 16:24-27 Deny yourself and follow |
Philippians 3:7-14 The surpassing worth of Jesus |
Luke 22:14-30 The Last Supper |
- What is new and interesting?
- What don’t you understand?
- What could you do to become more like Jesus?
- What will you share with someone this week?