You can trust a compass because it always points north. When you turn your life over to God’s leading, you find your true north. Your life becomes a testimony as you invest your life working for your Lord and Saviour. It’s a high honour and duty to represent God and live according to His will. Rest assured, it’ll be worth it in the end.
LUKE 12:35-48 Be faithful in the way we live and honour God
Luke 19:11-27 Be faithful financially and the Lord will increase your capacity to serve |
Romans 12:9-21 Be devoted to one another and don’t repay evil with evil |
Daniel 6 Daniel was faithful and the Lord protected and exulted him |
- What is new and interesting?
- What don’t you understand?
- How can you be a faithful follower of God where you live?
- What will you share with someone this week?