Young Adults
Our ministry for, with and by young adults began as MVs (Missionary Volunteers), evolved into AYs (Senior Adventist Youth) and today continues as Adventist Young Adult Ministry focusing on people in their early twenties to thirty years of age. Its aims are noble and ambitious, requiring continued adaptation of our methods and ministry. These emerging generations face unprecedented change, technology advancement and new uncertainties. They are university students, young professionals, newly weds, new parents, and job seekers. They have unique ministry needs, incredible talent to contribute, and a desire and ability to lead and serve in the mission of the church.
AY Mission
The salvation of youth through Jesus Christ. We understand youth ministry to be that work of the church that is conducted for, with, and by young people.
AY Aim
The Advent message to all the world in my generation.
AY Motto
The love of Christ compels me.
AY Pledge
Loving the Lord Jesus, I promise to take an active part in the youth ministry of the church, doing what I can to help others and to finish the work of the Gospel in all the world.
For my information and resources visit the General Conference Young Adult Ministry page